
वोटर हेल्पलाइन ऐप की विशेषताएं जानकर उत्साहित हुई छात्राएं (Girl students got excited after knowing the features of Voter Helpline App)

Girl students got excited after knowing the features of Voter Helpline App

Voter awareness program was organized to tell the young girl students of Government Mahila Polytechnic, Ranchi about the importance of voting. The objective of the program was to share correct information with prospective voters and others about the rules of voting and participating in the election process. They took a pledge to make themselves empowered citizens by getting all the information. At the same time, they also took a pledge to cast their vote correctly and inspire others to participate. They were appealed to enroll themselves in the voter list and inspire others too.

After the program, prospective voters also filled Form 6. Also, College Principal Janardan Sahay, while appreciating the awareness program, appealed to the girl students to share the information received in the program like use of Voter Helpline App, Voter Helpline Number with as many people as possible.